Church Address:
Our Lady of Lourdes RC Church
Rothamsted Avenue
Office Administrator: Mrs Melanie Armitage
Office hours: 9.30am - 12.30pm, Mon to Thu
Safeguarding Representative: Mrs Brigid Brennan
Our Lady of Lourdes is a Fairtrade Parish and a LiveSimply Parish.
The Sacrament of Marriage is the lasting commitment of a man and a woman to a lifelong partnership, established for the good of each other and the procreation of their children. The man and woman confer the Sacrament of Marriage upon each other when they express their consent to marry before God and the Church. God is present at the marriage ceremony and witnesses the promises made before Him.
Only couples living in the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes, or whose parents live in the parish, can celebrate their marriage in our church. This is due to the fact of the large numbers of people applying.
For every marriage, a preparation course is mandatory and this takes place early in the year and is conducted by married couples from the parish.
Those couples who live in the parish and are marrying elsewhere will also need to take part in the preparation course. They will also need to have their documents prepared at Our Lady of Lourdes to be sent to the relevant church. If the church is in another Diocese the papers need to be processed by the Bishop’s Office (The Chancery).
Both bride and groom need to produce a recent Baptismal Certificate, a Confirmation Certificate and a Statutory Declaration of Freedom.
To enquire about getting married in the parish, or about taking part in the preparation course and having documents prepared for marriage elsewhere, please contact the Parish Office.