Canon Anthony Dwyer
Our Lady of Lourdes
1 Kirkwick Avenue
01582 712245

Church Address:
Our Lady of Lourdes RC Church
Rothamsted Avenue

Office Administrator: Mrs Melanie Armitage
Office hours: 9.30am - 12.30pm, Mon to Thu
Safeguarding Representative: Mrs Brigid Brennan

Our Lady of Lourdes is a Fairtrade Parish and a LiveSimply Parish.

“Love one another as I have loved you”
John 15:12

Support & Community

“It is not enough to say we are Christians. We must live the faith, not only with our words, but with our actions”
Pope Francis

If you feel in need of help or support you can speak to the Parish Priest who can provide a listening ear and guidance in the strictest of confidence, and can advise and direct you to other agencies that may be able to provide more specialist help, if required. Contact the Parish Office to arrange an appointment.

As Christians, we try to live out our faith through our actions, showing Jesus’s love by supporting each other and by reaching out to help our community within the parish, locally and further afield.

Good Neighbours

The Good Neighbours initiative aims to put into practice the parish mission by being an outward sign of God’s love for our neighbour, demonstrating that Our Lady of Lourdes, through its parishioners, is a warm and caring parish that welcomes everyone irrespective of their situation.

The parish is split into areas (you can see them here) with each area having one or more volunteers who keep in touch with fellow parishioners in their area, welcome new parishioners, and create a sense of parish community.

If you are new to the parish, please get in touch with the Parish Office to let us know, and one of our volunteers will be in touch to welcome you.  If you move within the parish please also get in touch with the Parish Office so we can make sure your area volunteer knows.


The parish St Vincent de Paul Society provides support to parishioners in need in a number of ways, for example visiting sick or lonely parishioners, arranging transport for those who cannot get to Mass, and providing financial assistance to needy children of the parish.

Catholic Ladies Group

Our parish Catholic Ladies Group organise parish events to bring parishioners together as a community and to raise funds for good causes.  Look out for the Christmas Bazaar and Summer Strawberry Social amongst others.  If you would like to be part of this group you can find contact information on our Groups & Ministries page.

The Wednesday Walk

If you would like some company and conversation then you might like to join the monthly Wednesday Walk for a gentle stroll through Rothamsted Park followed by coffee in a local cafe.  Look out for details in the parish newsletter or find contact information on our Groups & Ministries page.


Life Ascending is a Christian movement for retired parishioners, and particularly those living on their own, in their middle and later years.  The group meets twice a month and offers spirituality through prayer and discussion as well as friendship, and encourages helping the sick and the lonely, those without faith and all younger people.  If you are interested in attending contact details are on the Groups & Ministries page.


In 2019 the parish was named as a LiveSimply parish by CAFOD and the National Justice and Peace Network.  The parish LiveSimply group aims to demonstrate and promote ways that we can try to live simply through our daily actions. Examples include the CAFOD Family Fast collection and monthly collections for the local foodbank, as well as regular suggestions and reflections in the newsletter about how we can live a life that is considerate of the world around us.  Through their work we have also been named as a Fairtrade parish.


The LiveSimply group organise monthly collections of UHT milk and juice for St Albans and District Foodbank.  Look out for the dates in the newsletter and place your donations in the box at the back of the church.


As a Parish we support NOAH Enterprise and Keystage Housing in their endeavours to end homelessness.

To donate items please contact Cathy Seaton : e-mail

For further information about these two organisations or get involved please visit their websites:


The Developing World Group raises money to fund projects in less developed countries.


The Catenians are an association of like-minded Catholic men who meet socially for fellowship and encourage families to gather together for friendship and enjoyment. Catenian membership offers deep and lasting friendship and support to Catholics at all stages of their adult lives.


Missio is the Pope’s charity for world mission and donations are collected through Red Boxes or by promoting the setting up of standing orders.

Through your support Missio transforms lives by listening to local needs and acting in the most effective way: creating infrastructure in impoverished and remote areas; helping to build chapels, schools and orphanages; facilitating clinics and dispensaries; and creating hubs from which the young church can flourish and grow.

If you require a Red Box or you would like to set up a standing order please speak to Silvia & Carlo Antonioli. You can find their contact details on our Groups & Ministries page.


Our church is also part of Churches Together in Harpenden, a local affiliation of Christian churches. The church congregations come together throughout the year to take part in special events such as the Palm Sunday Services, Good Friday Walk of Witness and the Remembrance Sunday Service.

If you would like to get involved in any of the groups mentioned here or any of the other ministries and activities that support the parish please see our Ministries and Groups page for details.