Church Address:
Our Lady of Lourdes RC Church
Rothamsted Avenue
Office Administrator: Mrs Melanie Armitage
Office hours: 9.30am - 12.30pm, Mon to Thu
Safeguarding Representative: Mrs Brigid Brennan
Our Lady of Lourdes is a Fairtrade Parish and a LiveSimply Parish.
“The world sings of an infinite love, how can we fail to care for it?” (Laudate Deum #65)
Pope Francis has today, on the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, published Laudate Deum: to all people of good will on the climate crisis, his new Exhortation on the environment, a follow up to his encyclical, Laudato Si’.
The Pope says that “climate change is one of the principal challenges facing society and the global community” (Laudate Deum #3) and warns that the “world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point” (#5).
I would like to thank you for holding collections for our Family Fast Day appeal in your parish this week. Our appeal highlights the terrible impact of the climate crisis, telling the story of Meera, whose home in Pakistan was swept away by extreme flooding last year. Flooding that was an example of the extreme weather phenomena that Pope Francis calls “palpable expressions of a silent disease that affects everyone” (#5).
Pope Francis says: “authentic faith not only gives strength to the human heart, but also transforms life, transfigures our goals and sheds light on our relationship to others and with creation as a whole” (#61). Responding to our Family Fast Day Appeal is an important way we can all take up Pope Francis’ invitation to “accompany this pilgrimage of reconciliation with the world that is our home and to help make it more beautiful” (#69).
We work at the frontline of climate and conflict emergencies in over 40 countries. Thanks to the support of parishes like yours, we are working with our sisters and brothers to build resilience in the face of the huge challenges posed by the climate crisis, to respond quickly to help communities devastated by climate-induced disasters, and to continue to call on those in power to take urgent action.
We pray that, inspired by the example of St Francis of Assisi and encouraged by Laudate Deum, we will always strive to care for and protect our common home.
CAFOD is hosting an online event on Thursday 12 October at 7pm to reflect on what Pope Francis’ Laudate Deum means for us. Please do join in and share this invitation with others.