Canon Anthony Dwyer
Our Lady of Lourdes
1 Kirkwick Avenue
01582 712245

Church Address:
Our Lady of Lourdes RC Church
Rothamsted Avenue

Office Administrator: Mrs Melanie Armitage
Office hours: 9.30am - 12.30pm, Mon to Thu
Safeguarding Representative: Mrs Brigid Brennan

Our Lady of Lourdes is a Fairtrade Parish and a LiveSimply Parish.

“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them”
Romans 12:6

Good Neighbours

Good Neighbours aims to put into practice the parish mission by being an outward sign of God’s love for our neighbour, demonstrating that Our Lady of Lourdes, through its parishioners, is a warm and caring parish that welcomes everyone irrespective of their situation.

The parish is split into areas with each area having one or more volunteers whose job is to identify themselves to and keep in touch with fellow parishioners in their area, as shown on this map:

Some examples of the types of things a volunteer might do: