Church Address:
Our Lady of Lourdes RC Church
Rothamsted Avenue
Office Administrator: Mrs Melanie Armitage
Office hours: 9.30am - 12.30pm, Mon to Thu
Safeguarding Representative: Mrs Brigid Brennan
Our Lady of Lourdes is a Fairtrade Parish and a LiveSimply Parish.
8th June 2022
Meet outside Our Lady of Lourdes Church
‘June brings violets, lilies roses, fills the children’s hands with posies.’
The parish walk this month will take place on Wednesday, June 8th. Let’s foray forth and admire all the flowers that come out in June and end with a coffee and chat at a nearby café. The weather should be good but if not we make straight for the coffee!
We meet outside of Our Lady of Lourdes, after Mass at 10.00 and walk for about an hour , everyone at their own pace. Do come : it’s very sociable and a great way to meet people if you are new to the parish.