Canon Anthony Dwyer
Our Lady of Lourdes
1 Kirkwick Avenue
01582 712245

Church Address:
Our Lady of Lourdes RC Church
Rothamsted Avenue

Office Administrator: Mrs Melanie Armitage
Office hours: 9.30am - 12.30pm, Mon to Thu
Safeguarding Representative: Mrs Brigid Brennan

Our Lady of Lourdes is a Fairtrade Parish and a LiveSimply Parish.

Feast of the Ascension

18th May 2023
Our Lady of Lourdes

On Thursday 18th, we celebrate one of the major feasts of Eastertide, the Ascension of the Lord. This is a holyday of obligation, a day when we are required to attend Mass. Masses will be celebrated at 9.15am and 6.00pm.

The 9.15am Mass will be livestreamed:  the Zoom code is 814 5044 9282 and no password is required.

The Feast of the Ascension, is a day to rejoice. The Ascension does not mark the end of Jesus’ relationship with the Church but the beginning of a new way of His relating to the world, in and through the Church. This way includes every one of us who bear His name. We also have ascended with the Lord. When viewed with the eyes of Resurrection faith the Ascension is capable of transforming the way we view ourselves and live our daily lives. We are joined to Him and He to us!