Canon Anthony Dwyer
Our Lady of Lourdes
1 Kirkwick Avenue
01582 712245

Church Address:
Our Lady of Lourdes RC Church
Rothamsted Avenue

Office Administrator: Mrs Melanie Armitage
Office hours: 9.30am - 12.30pm, Mon to Thu
Safeguarding Representative: Mrs Brigid Brennan

Our Lady of Lourdes is a Fairtrade Parish and a LiveSimply Parish.

DWG Quiz – Thank you!

The DWG Quiz on Saturday last was a resounding success and raised  approximately £1,500 for our current project with Advantage Africa, aiding the most vulnerable and marginalised in Kisojo, Uganda, to set up small enterprises to support their families. The director of Advantage Africa and his wife, the project manager, joined in the Quiz and expressed their profound gratitude to you all in the Parish for your support in their work.

Very many thanks too, to three of our confirmation candidates who gave up their evening so willingly to help the Quizmaster.  The DWG are very grateful to them all.

Our next fundraising event in support of Advantage Africa will be: Christmas Wreath Making: Tickets will be on sale in November

Pastoral Letter from the Cardinal: Bill on Assisted Suicide

Please take the time to read this weekend’s Pastoral Letter from the Cardinal, ahead of the first reading of a new bill on assisted suicide on 16th October.

Pastoral letter – Assisted Suicide

There is also further information on the Westminster Diocese website:

Youth Friendly Mass: Saturday 19th October

Young people from Year 7 to Year 13 and beyond are all very welcome to join and take an active role in this mass:  Readers, Welcomers, Musicians, Altar Servers, please join us to make it as youth friendly as possible.

Our Parish Youth Group will meet afterwards at 7pm for some food, some fun and some faith sharing time together.

Banish The Blues Supper: 1st February

Save the date for the Banish The Blues Supper at Lourdes Hall on Saturday 1st February!  More details to follow soon.

DWG Christmas Wreath Making

Come along and make a beautiful Christmas Wreath in the Undercroft on Tuesday 10th December 10am-12 noon or 2pm-4pm and on Wednesday 11th December 7-9pm.

Parish Christmas Fair

Please save the date for our PARISH CHRISTMAS FAIR at Lourdes Hall on Saturday 7th December from 12.00 Noon to 3.00pm.

Soup & Reflection

Soup and Reflection with Sister Regina in the Undercroft on Monday 28th October 12 noon to 2.00pm.  Free of charge but donations to the Barcelona
Project in South Africa are appreciated.

All welcome but to assist with catering, please contact
(07943 837277).

Youth Mass & Youth Group: 7th December

Young people from Year 7 to Year 13 and beyond are all very welcome to join and take an active role in this mass:  Readers, Welcomers, Musicians, Altar Servers, please join us to make it as youth friendly as possible.

Our Parish Youth Group will meet afterwards at 7pm for some food, some fun and some faith sharing time together.

Youth Mass & Youth Group : 16th November

Young people from Year 7 to Year 13 and beyond are all very welcome to join and take an active role in this mass:  Readers, Welcomers, Musicians, Altar Servers, please join us to make it as youth friendly as possible.

Our Parish Youth Group will meet afterwards at 7pm for some food, some fun and some faith sharing time together.

Youth Friendly Masses

Youth friendly masses will resume this Autumn, once a month, on Saturdays at 6pm.

Young people from Year 7 to Year 13 and beyond are all very welcome to join and take an active role in this mass:  Readers, Welcomers, Musicians, Altar Servers, please join us to make it as youth friendly as possible.

The first Mass will be next Saturday 14th September, and then 19th October, 16th November, 7th December, 18th January, 8th February, 8th March, 26th April, 10th May, 14th June & 5th July.

OLOL Youth Group

Year 10 and beyond, save the date for our First Youth Group of the new  school year:   Saturday 19th October 7.00pm to 8.30pm.

Our Parish Youth Group will meet every month after the 6pm Youth  Friendly Mass for some food, some fun and some faith sharing time together.

Keystage Collection

Junior Choral Journey Concert

Join us in church for an informal concert presented by our young people.  More details to follow!

Junior Choral Journey

After the success of the Summer Concert, we are running a short Choral Journey for 8 to 18-year-olds on a Thursday between 7-8pm in the church.

Starting on Thursday 5th September and then each Thursday, culminating with a performance on Thursday 17th October at 7pm.

Our choristers will form the core group and will be joined by anyone who would like to come and try something new.

It’s for school friends, neighbours, friends from tennis, rugby, football, ballet …. you get the idea!

Please spread the word on all those parent WhatsApp groups :0)

Completely free of charge for something that will be a complete joy!

Email for those interested:

DWG Quiz Night: 12th October 7pm – SOLD OUT!

Join us on Saturday October 12th 7.00pm for 7.30pm start.  The proceeds of this very popular annual Parish event will be in support of Advantage Africa, please see their website for the work they are doing (https:/

£5,990 is needed to support Small Enterprises for Families affected by disability and chronic poverty in Kisojo, Uganda.

Entrance is £20, including a Fish and Chip supper; maximum of 10 per table.

Bring your own bottle and glasses and cash for the Raffle. To secure a booking email Betty at

Payment for Quiz tickets, can be made by Bank Transfer (Betty will give you the DWG account details), cheques made payable to WRCDT Harpenden or cash, please write your names on the envelope and hand into the Parish office.

All monies to be paid by 9th October please. Thank you as always for your continued support.

Ali & Lawrence’s BIG SING!

Join Alison and Lawrence for their BIG SING!  This is for young singers aged 7–18 years.  The course will be run by Alison Langer and Lawrence Thackeray, two professional opera singers and singing teachers who live in Harpenden and who also teach privately and at The Musicale.

Alison and Lawrence are both DBS checked and have safeguard training.

The cost of the course is £150 for the week.

August 5th–9th 11.00am to 2.00pm In the Undercroft

For more information please email and see the poster on the noticeboard.

Sing For…9 Concert

Please join us for an informal concert on Saturday 12th October at 3pm in church.

Entrance is by donation of hygiene products, toiletries, clothing etc. which will then be given to NOAH & Keystage Housing.

Refreshments will be served after the concert and everyone is welcome.

Sing For….9

The next four-week singing project starts on Tuesday 17th September 7.30-9.00pm in the Undercroft.  It then runs each week culminating in an  informal concert on Saturday 12th October at 3pm.

If you have not taken part before please think about giving it a go.  It is a short commitment and no previous singing experience required.

It’s great fun and hugely rewarding and raises money and resources for NOAH and Keystage Housing.

£40 per participant. If a returning singer, please use the reference CHARITY on a bank transfer.

Email: to book your place!

Altar Servers Needed

Training is underway for our new altar servers but there is still time to join!

Any young person, or indeed no so young, who has made their First Holy Communion, is welcome to take up this ministry, for which training is given.

Anyone interested in taking up this role should send their details to Canon Dwyer, email:

Preparation for Confirmation

Preparation for Confirmation next summer will be commencing in the  autumn.  Preparation is open to young people in year 9 and above, who are parishioners, or regularly attend Mass here, i.e. every Sunday.

If you wish to be Confirmed, please collect a form after Mass, complete it, and return it to the parish office with a copy of your Baptism Certificate by Wednesday 31st July.

First Communion Preparation

Preparation for First Communion, for children in year 3 and above, will be starting in the Autumn.  This preparation is for children, and their families, who are parishioners and, or, who regularly attend Mass here, i.e. every Sunday.

Parents who wish to register their children for the First Communion Programme need, in the first place, to arrange to meet Canon Dwyer.  Dates for these meetings can be booked by telephoning the Parish Office, Monday to Thursday between 9.30am and 12.30pm.

Please be aware that registration closes on Tuesday 9th July.

Database Updates

If any of your contact details have changed, please let the Parish Office know.  Forms are available in the Porch of the Church or you can download one HERE.

Tea in the Garden

The DWG warmly invite you to Tea in the  Garden on June 1st from 10am to 3pm hosted by Julia and Nigel Roche, 23 Sibley Avenue Harpenden AL3 1HF.

Please bring along any excess bedding plants you may have, to add to our stock for sale.  There will be cakes for sale as well as refreshments, a raffle and the enjoyment of good company.

Proceeds to our latest project in support of Workaid’s Radio 4 Appeal on Radio 4 June 23rd.

Update from the DWG

The DWG was pleased to be given the opportunity to speak from the pulpit on the weekend of 18th/19th May.  Just in case you missed it here’s what was shared:

‘The Developing World Group (DWG) was set up in the early 1980’s by Ian McGregor and Terry Lane, parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes with the support of Canon Maurice O’Leary the Parish priest at that time.  So, for over 40 years, we here in Harpenden have continued their mission: to provide financial support for the poorest regions in the developing world.

Our projects are based on initiatives, identified, and managed by local people to avoid creating a culture of dependency.  We aim to support primary education, nurture enterprise, and develop self-sufficiency.  These smaller projects, under £7,500 go beneath the radar of the major charities.  A small sub-group spends a great deal of time researching sustainable projects and applying due diligence, after which we can give documented evidence to you, our kind donors, on the impact your contributions make to our poorer brothers and sisters.  Every penny you give goes to the adopted programme.

In the last few years projects have ranged from: providing an incubator for premature babies in South Sudan, a borehole in Northern Uganda, a goat livelihood scheme and a village loan and savings scheme, also in Uganda.

This year, so far, we have committed £4,256 to support education in the small village of Irovo, Kenya.  This helped to bring electricity to the school and provide latrines for the pupils.  Currently we are supporting Workaid based in Chesham, in their latest appeal on Radio 4 on June 23rd.  Not only have you supported their tool collections in the past but have helped provide refurbished tools eg: sewing machines, including training in their use and maintenance.

Our fundraising events in the last few years, especially the brilliantly successful Jigsaw Festival and Lolly in the Loft, as well as Quiz Nights, tool collections and Open Garden have raised vital funds.  However, they have also provided great social occasions for the whole Parish.

Our next event is, Tea In The Garden on 1st June from 10am to 3pm hosted by Julia and Nigel Roche. Do bring along any excess bedding plants you may have, to add to our stock for sale. There will also be cakes for sale along with refreshments, a raffle, and the enjoyment of good company.

The DWG warmly invite you to join us: we meet quarterly in the Undercroft.  We need your energy, your ideas and your physical support.  In short, we need a willingness to help the poorest of our neighbours in the poorest places, to help themselves.

A heartfelt thank you for your continuing support and for listening.’

St Dominic PTA Summer Ball

The St Dominic PTA are hosting the bi-annual summer ball on Saturday 15th June at St George’s School.

If you are interested in supporting the event by attending or have something that you can donate for the auction to raise funds for the school please contact

Strawberry Social

This very popular annual event will be held on June 23rd in the parish  garden immediately following the choir concert (circa 5pm).

Tickets will cost £10 which include a welcome drink, scones, strawberries and cream and will be on sale after the Masses in June.

Everyone, especially new parishioners, is welcome.

Summer Choral Concert

Tickets will be on sale after all Masses and before and after Thursday’s choir practices for the Choir’s Summer Concert.  Vivaldi’s Gloria and the Nelson Mass by Haydn will be performed by our community of singers and we will also be joined by Alison Langer, Lawrence Thackeray and other soloists.

Tickets are also available on the door.

Ticket prices:
Adults £15, Concessions £10 & Children £5

A Message From Canon Anthony

Although it’s now almost a week, since the celebration, of my 40th anniversary of Ordination, I think you will understand, when I say, that I am still living off the memories, and will be for some time to come!  It
was a really wonderful day, far exceeding any expectations I may have had.  Maybe I have still more to learn about Harpenden Parish!

There are many lovely memories of the day.  And not least is the appreciation that so many have for the Priesthood.  So many comments, on the numerous cards, expressing gratitude for the gift of the Priesthood, through what is done for them in the parish.  It was good too to have a full church, and so many coming to the reception afterwards, good that we can celebrate, and enjoy ourselves, together.

As is so often the case, at special times in the life of the Parish, we depend on many people coming together, to make sure everything is as it should be.  So, thank you to everyone who assisted in any way.  To the flower arrangers and those who cleaned the church, as well as our Altar servers and Choir, thank you all for your particular contributions.  Thank you too, to those who organised the reception, especially the Ladies Group, those who assisted, donated food, helped with the bar, and helped in any way at all, a big ‘thank you’.

To all who were part of the celebration in any way at all, ‘thank you’, and thank you too for your generous gift to me, for the many greeting cards, and the other gifts received. I hope you know how much your kindness, and generosity is appreciated.

May God bless you all.
Canon Anthony Dwyer

9.45 Family Mass

Just a reminder that there are lots of different ways that children and families in the parish can participate in our 9.45am Sunday family mass!

From handing out hymn books, doing the collection, being part of the offertory or helping tidy away at the end of mass.

Please do get involved by signing up for a task of your choice on a date that works for you HERE.

or for further information please email

Family Mass Leaflet


Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham

Come and celebrate the joyful feast of Our Lady of Walsingham on 21st September.

Holy Mass will be celebrated by His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols at the Basilica of Our Lady of Walsingham at 12 Noon.

Cost is £25.00 per person.
Departure 7.00am from Christ Church, Radlett and 7.30am from St Mary’s Church London Colney.

To book a place please contact Anna on 01923 635541 or email  There is a poster on the noticeboard in the Porch of the Church with more information.

Canon Dwyer’s 40th Anniversary Celebration

On Sunday May 12th, Canon Dwyer will be celebrating 40 years, to the day, that he was ordained to the Priesthood.

To mark this occasion, there will be a Mass of Thanksgiving, at 4.00pm on that day, followed by a reception in St Dominic’s School.  Everyone is very welcome to both the Mass and reception.

If you would like to contribute towards a gift, there will be a collection after each Mass on the last weekend of April.

If you would like to contribute towards the refreshment for the reception, the Ladies Group will have a sign-up sheet after Mass on the last weekend of April.

Walk in aid of Harpenden Mencap

Fraser Rosser-Smyth, one of our parishioners, will be walking 1300km in 60 days from Geneva to Rome in support of Harpenden Mencap this summer. Walking the ancient pilgrimage route – the Via Francigena – will take him across snowdrifts, fields and hills, before arriving in Vatican City by mid July.

You may be aware that Fraser’s brother Max, who serves on the Altar, is currently in supported living at Stairways and Fraser has seen first hand the vital work Harpenden Mencap does in our local community. Though primarily a personal journey, Fraser is hoping his endeavour will help raise funds for the charity, so that all local adults with a learning disability continue to receive the support they require to lead an enriched and fulfilling life.

His JustGiving page is linked below, however his page should also come up simply by searching his name on the JustGiving website. Any support in the form of prayer is equally sought.

Catenian Dinner Invitation – 1300km walk over 60 days

On Easter Sunday we heard that our parishioner Fraser Rosser-Smyth plans to walk from Geneva To Rome starting on May 14th.  Fraser will now be attending our meeting and dinner at Harpenden Golf Club on Wednesday 10th April at 7.30pm to tell us about the challenges he faces and the route which, takes him over the Alps and through Italy onto Rome, the final destination.
He commented that whilst its primarily a personal journey he will also be supporting Harpenden Mencap an organisation close to his heart.
Come and listen to Fraser’s story and hear about the challenges he will be facing, by joining us at the dinner.  The cost for a two-course meal is £30 per person, including wine.  It promises to be an interesting and enjoyable evening, so we look forward to hearing from you via email by Sunday evening please, to
You can visit Fraser’s Just Giving page HERE

Sing For…. Eight

Join us for a four-week singing project for all ages and abilities with funds raised for two homeless organisations: Keystage Housing and Noah.

When: Tuesdays April 16/23/30 and May 14th7.30pm – 9.30pm

Where: Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Harpenden

Cost £40 per singer, includes all rehearsal sessions and final performance.

Contact Katie Metcalfe by email:

Come and try Choral Singing!

Try something new?  Rekindle an old hobby?  Exercise your entire being?

You are invited to join in an exciting parish-and-beyond choral journey – rehearsing Vivaldi’s Gloria and the Nelson Mass by Haydn.

You will be singing and learning alongside experienced choral singers and performing with Alison Langer, Lawrence Thackeray and other soloists for the final performance.

The aim is to encourage as many of our parish, our friends, our neighbours, our work colleagues, our family, fellow dog-walkers, fellow school parents…. (you get the picture!) to experience the joy of singing in a choir and learning new skills of reading/following music and ultimately performing as one of a powerful team.

Taking place at Our Lady of Lourdes Church and all at no cost other than your time and for a relatively short period of commitment.


Thursday 18th April 8.00-9.00pm
Thursday 25th April 8.00-9.00pm
Thursday 2nd May 8.00-9.00pm
Thursday 9th May 8.00-9.00pm
Thursday 16th May 8.00-9.00pm
(23rd May – no rehearsal)
Thursday 30th May 7.00-8.45pm optional listening week, revision etc.

Thursday 6th June 7.00-8.45pm
Thursday 13th June 7.00-8.45pm
Thursday 20th June 7.00-8.45pm

SUNDAY 23rd JUNE 2.00pm Rehearsal, 4.00pm CONCERT

Contact Katie for more information:

Children’s Stations of the Cross

Our children’s Stations of the Cross will be at 11.30am on Good Friday  29th March, and will last about 45 minutes.

This is a really good opportunity for children to understand and take part in Christ’s Passion on Good Friday.  We are looking for children to take parts in the form of a tableau for each station.  The children have to be from years 3 to 6, to take part.  We need about 12 actors (no speaking parts), who will have to be in church from 9:30am on Good Friday.  We will do the rehearsal, have a small break, and then perform our Stations of the Cross at 11.30am.

This allows any other family members to join in The Walk of Witness in the town, and then join us in church.  If your child wants to be part of the Stations of the Cross please email Maria ( or phone 01582 624024 by Monday 25th March.  In the event of too many volunteers we will take the first names on the list.  Thank you.

Easter Confession

Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation, going to Confession, needs to be a regular part of our lives, and particularly as Easter approaches.

On Monday 25th March, at 7.30pm, the Parish Penitential Service takes place. Please note the date and time, and do try to take up this important opportunity.

Palm Sunday 24th March

Next Sunday, Palm Sunday, we begin our Holy Week journey.  The Palms will be blessed, and distributed, at each Mass.

For those who normally attend the 9.45am Mass, don’t forget that, next Sunday, it will begin at the earlier time of 9.30am on Church Green, when the palms will be blessed, with the congregation from St Nicholas’ Church, followed by the procession into church.

Details of everything happening during Holy Week and Easter week, will be found in the Holy Week leaflet which you can collect after Mass.

Synodal Gatherings

The 2021-24 Synod is a major reform initiative happening in the Catholic Church right now.  We have been part of it, and we continue to be so.  In fact synodality means we all have an active role in helping to discern how the Spirit is guiding our Church.  Your views are most welcome, however you feel about the Church or your own faith!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for an opportunity to sit together in two listening sessions for our Parish community.  We heard an update on the Synod and then used the synodal process to reflect how together as a Parish we can better witness our faith and organise ourselves differently to do so.

If you were unable to participate in the meetings, but would like to share your thoughts, you will find the questions from the both meetings below:

Questions from meeting 1:

Q.1: How do we witness as a Parish and proclaim our faith to:
▷those who have never heard of Christ;
▷those who have ceased walking with Christ;
▷those with whom we worship Christ (those who go to church)?

Q.2: How should we organise ourselves as a Parish to do this more effectively?

Questions from meeting 2:

Q.3: What concrete steps/formation opportunities would help us begin to witness and proclaim our faith more effectively?

Q.4: What structures may need to change?  How might we need to develop the way we are organised currently?

Please send your responses to

Synodal Gatherings Update

Thank you to everyone who joined us for an opportunity to sit together in two listening sessions for our Parish community.

You can see the amalgamated responses from the meetings here:

OLOL Harpenden Reflections from Synodal listening Feb24 final

Lenten Reflection

Please join us next Friday 15th March at 7.30pm for a Lenten Reflection in Words and Music.

The Choir will lead us, by taking us through the last great events of our Lord’s life.

There will be spoken reflections, and musical pieces from, amongst others, Faure, Ireland and Mawby.

There will be no Mass, or Stations of the Cross, but this is another way of following the journey to Calvary.

Youth Group Holy Spirit Day

DWG Annual Report

You can read the DWG’s Annual Report HERE.

‘Chords’ Mothers Day Recital

Join Soprano Alison Langer and guests, in a musical recital exploring strong women and motherhood.

Music includes lullabies and arias from Puccini to Kate Bush!

Click Here to find out more


Live Simply

“LAUDATO SI’, mi’ Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord”.

Our Lady of Lourdes, Harpenden is a LiveSimply parish.  We were awarded this status in 2019 by CAFOD and the National Justice and Peace Network for demonstrating and promoting how we try to live simply through our daily actions.

Our community has undertaken to respond to Pope Francis’ invitation in Laudato Si’ to “work with generosity and tenderness in protecting this world which God has entrusted to us”.

Pope Francis says in Laudato Si: The creation accounts ……suggest that human life is grounded in three fundamental and closely intertwined relationships: with God, with our neighbour and with the earth itself. Laudato Si:66

In accepting the LiveSimply award our parish commits:

In this way we can help create a world in which human dignity is respected and everyone can reach their full potential. This would be true progress, worth more than economic growth alone.  

Why LiveSimply?  

The key goals:

Here in Harpenden, in embracing this initiative, we are committing to putting our faith into action in everyday small ways as well as in a wider context.  In doing so, we hope to:

Ultimately we are helping protect the generous gifts we have been given for future generations of Our Lady of Lourdes parishioners.


These are the four “interest” areas for living simply in the parish:

Consideration of living simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the poor is reflected within our prayers and liturgies and key feast days such as St Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals and the environment (4th October).

Campaign for living sustainably.  Creating awareness of the beauty of Creation and of campaigns for living simply and protecting the environment locally and nationally.

Undertake practical actions such as collections for the local Foodbank, or Bring n’ share Lunch, Family Fast Day collections, organising speaker events on key LiveSimply issues.  Practical ideas to LiveSimply include:

Justice, Peace and Care for Creation
Campaign for peace in countries across the world.  Initiate or join Campaigns for justice such as Fairtrade or debt relief for low income countries.  Promote the work of the Westminster J&P Commission and the National J& P Network’.  Click here for more information.

Let us act together in putting our faith into action.  To become involved in any of the above, please contact the LiveSimply coordinator:

Here is our LiveSimply Award Letter.

In The Spotlight…..

In our latest #InTheSpotlight feature, we catch up with the Communications Team.  Click HERE to read the full article!

St Patrick’s Day Lunch

The St Patricks’ Day celebration and lunch raised an incredible £1,200 for Sr. Margaret’s ministry to the poor in Barcelona, South Africa.

God bless the generosity of all who came, and those who couldn’t but gave a donation.  You were honorary Irish for the celebration, and your singing raised the roof!

A huge THANK YOU to our Ladies Group who organised such a lovely parish event.  Thank you very much on behalf of Sr. Margaret. & Sr. Regina 👏☘️

Just Small Change Talk

Please join us on Monday 4th March at 7pm in the Undercroft for a talk by ‘Just Small Change’, a charity we have consistently supported.

This is an excellent opportunity for you to find out how your support of the Developing World Group is helping the very poor in the Budaka district of Eastern Uganda to build their own pathway out of poverty with the help of Goats!


Poor & Needy

There are 2 collection boxes in the wall at the back of the church (near the Repository), one of them being the POOR AND NEEDY BOX.

Donations to this box are used by the parish for any parishioner in need.

It will now also be possible to donate via the card reader in the church porch.

Ash Wednesday

This coming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday.  Masses will be celebrated at 9.15am and 6.00pm, and the Ashes blessed and distributed at those Masses.

Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence, a day when we are asked to eat less than we usually do, and refrain from eating meat.

The 9.15am Mass on Ash Wednesday, will be live-streamed:

Zoom Code is 823 9353 2868

Synodal Gathering

Please join us for an opportunity to sit together in a listening session for our Parish community.  We will hear an update on the Synod and then using the synodal process we will reflect how together as a Parish we can better witness our faith and organise ourselves differently to do so.

Tuesday 27th February:  7.30-8.45pm in the Undercroft.

Synodal Gathering

Please join us for an opportunity to sit together in a listening session for our Parish community.  We will hear an update on the Synod and then using the synodal process we will reflect how together as a Parish we can better witness our faith and organise ourselves differently to do so.

Tuesday 13th February:  7.30-8.45pm in the Undercroft.

Great News from the DWG

Fantastic news from our Developing World Group:
Some 19 months ago Rotary in Harpenden took on a project to raise funds to equip a new operating theatre being built at the Kyengera Women’s hospital in Wakiso, near Kampala, Uganda.
Well done everyone for making this project possible.

CAFOD Family Fast Day – Friday 23rd February

Thank you to everyone who contributed to CAFOD’s Family Fast Day appeal.  So far we have raised £2,610 which will help hardworking people like James the fisherman in Liberia with resources, tools and training to feed their families for good.  You can watch a video about James HERE.

It’s not too late to donate by using the envelope which can be found in the porch or online at and please join us in praying with James that our sisters and brothers around the world are enabled to feed their families.

Lent & Holy Week 2024

Each Friday during Lent, there will be Mass at 7.00pm, followed by the Stations of the Cross.  This could be a good Lenten Practice to adopt – giving an hour each week to attend an extra Mass and to follow Jesus’ journey to Calvary, by making the Stations of the Cross.

These groups will meet for 5 weeks, beginning 19th February (Ash Wednesday is 14th Feb) The theme will be; further reflections on the Our Father, using the Diocesan resource ‘We Dare To Say’.  We offer a choice of day/time but, to assist with the formation of Groups, we ask you to state your preferences 1st/2nd/3rd.  If you have been in a group previously you will be contacted by email, if not PLEASE ADD YOUR NAME TO THE LIST IN THE PORCH OF THE CHURCH OR email: or

We have received the DAY BY DAY Lent books for adults and children and these can be purchased from the Repository for £1 each.  They are a lovely accompaniment for each day during Lent.

You can download a copy of the Holy Week booklet HERE.

Live Simply Review

The Parish Live Simply team are holding a review meeting on 3rd February at 11.30am in the Undercroft.

This is an opportunity for the Parish to review what we have achieved during 2023 and look forward to our plans for 2024.

A facilitator from CAFOD will be helping us by looking at what we are doing currently and what other Live Simply Parishes are doing.

She will also help us to identify how we might engage our Parish community further.

We will of course hope to share some communal refreshments afterwards

Everyone is welcome.

Mass for the Anointing of the Sick

This Mass will take place on Sunday 11th February at 3pm.  Please let Mark Quigley know if you need a lift by emailing

Lost Property

Last chance to claim any lost property!  Please have a look in the box which is near to the Repository at the back of the church.  Any items left after this week will be taken to the charity shop.

Sing For…. 7

Do consider joining our next Sing For Project – Sing For Seven – starting Tuesday January 16th 7.30 – 9.00pm in the Undercroft.
It only costs £40 per person for hours of singing and a sense of achievement as the weeks progress!  Money raised, and donations collected will be sent to Keystage Housing and NOAH.
All dates as follows:
Tuesday 16th January 7.30 – 9.00pm
Tuesday 23rd January 7.30 – 9.00pm
Tuesday 30th January 7.30 – 9.00pm
Tuesday 6th February 7.30 – 9.00pm
SATURDAY 10th FEBRUARY 3pm Performance
A fabulous line up of music and the perfect way to start the new year!
Please sign up and encourage family and friends to join you . Anyone interested please email:

Banish the Blues Supper

The Banish the Blues Supper will be held on Saturday the 27th of January with Lulu and the Hullabaloos. There will be a two-course supper during the interval.  More details to follow but save the date!

Keystage Housing Christmas Gift Packs

Thank you to everyone who donated items for the Keystage Housing Christmas gift packs for their service users.  They were very gratefully received.

Christmas Fair

Thank you to everyone who supported, helped and donated at the  Christmas Fair last Saturday – we raised £2,270 which will be split between CAFOD Holy Land Appeal and the Parish Building Fund.

DWG News!

The Developing World Group want to share their wonderful news that, thanks to the great generosity of the parishioners, we have raised nearly £5,000 from the two latest fundraisings events alone: The Quiz and the Tring Auction of our “Lolly in the Loft”.

This puts us well on track for the latest project, supplemented by your generous regular donations, building a borehole for the Kyangala community in Kenya.

Grateful thanks to you all and please do consider joining us; you will be very warmly welcomed.

Advent & Christmas 2023

Click here to download:  Advent & Christmas Calendar of Events & Times

Christmas Day Family Mass at 9.45am

Please join us on Christmas Day to celebrate Jesus’s birth – come dressed as a Nativity character or wearing a Nativity themed hat!!

If your child would like to be involved in the Mass (reading, acting, helping in some way), contact Michelle on 07841 098591.

Children’s Nativity Service

We are pleased to say that we will be having a Children’s Nativity again this year.  The service will be at 5.00pm on Christmas Eve, and is a lovely reminder to the children about the reasons for celebrating this great feast.

This year we are dramatising the story “The Not-So-Wise Man” which will be read by an adult, but we do need a cast of many – (shepherds, angels, wisemen, townsfolk etc!)

So, if you would like your child to take part please come to the rehearsal in church on Saturday 23rd December at 10:00am to 12.30pm, when we will be reading the story to the children and asking for them to take various parts (There are no speaking parts!)

Your child does need to be at this rehearsal to take part on Christmas Eve. We have some costumes, but if you have anything suitable then they would be most useful.  The children need to be primary school age and if they are taking part in the nativity they will need to be in church at 4.30pm on Christmas Eve.

Please let me know as soon as possible if they would like to take part, in the Nativity Service (contact Ginny St John Glew, 01582 620322
or email

We will also be welcoming back our Travelling Crib after its journey around the Parish.

Follow our Travelling Crib’s journey during Advent

Our Travelling Crib was blessed at the Family Mass on the first Sunday of Advent and was passed to the first hosts who gave Mary, Joseph & the donkey a place to stay for the night.

They enjoyed time with the Mudd family and will move to their next home tonight!

Our weary travellers have continued their journey around the parish visiting lots of families.


The Noodle Box

The ‘Noodle Box’ continues to be available inside the Church for anyone who needs a hot snack.

The box is full of pot noodles, instant pasta cups and instant soups along with takeaway cups.  They are FREE to take!

Please spread the word, especially as the cold weather is upon us.  This is just a start to the project and we can place boxes where needed as we go along.

Volunteering at NOAH over Christmas

Christmas is an incredibly busy period at the Welfare Centre, and we  work hard to provide a warm and welcome space for our clients to spend the holiday.
Each year, we are blessed to receive a number of requests for volunteering over the Christmas period. This year, we are unable to accept any requests for the 24th-26th December, however anyone wishing to volunteer is very welcome to join us between 2pm and 4pm, from the 18th – 22nd December at our Christmas volunteering sessions!
Roles will include greeting and hosting clients, organising kind donations of gifts, clothing and food, supporting the kitchen staff to meet the increased need, and keeping the Welfare Centre a clean and safe place to be. There will be hot drinks and Christmas goodies to keep you in high spirits 🎄
You will need to attend ONE induction day prior to your volunteering session, which are organised for Tuesday 12th (2pm-3pm) and Wednesday 13th (3pm-4pm) at our Welfare Centre, LU1 3HG.
If you are interested in getting involved, please email with your availability 💙 deadline for registering interest is 8th December.

Could you offer Mary & Joseph a room for the night?

During Advent, the Travelling Crib will be making its way around the parish, beginning with a blessing in Church at the 9.45am mass on 3rd December.

It will then be taken home by a family who plays host to the figures of Mary, Joseph and the donkey for the night, sharing a short act of worship together during which a candle is lit to signify that our travellers have a place to stay.

The next day they pass on the Crib to another family.  This journey symbolises Mary and Joseph’s difficult journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem before the birth of Jesus and allows us to take a moment of stillness in an otherwise busy Advent.

It will be an opportunity too for families to get to know each other a little  better as they receive and then deliver on the Crib.

The last hosts will bring the Crib back to Church on Christmas Eve at the Nativity Service at 5pm.

All are welcome to participate in this activity – the young and the young at heart!  Help with transport can be provided if needed.

There will also be a Travelling Crib Diary which will be posted on the parish website.  Even if you are unable to host the Crib you will be able to follow its journey through Advent.

If you would like the Travelling Crib to come into your home, please contact Anne Meehan on 07790 417685 or email

Advent Ideas & Resources for Families

As we begin the season of Advent, we prepare for the birth of the baby Jesus.  There are lots of lovely Advent resources available for families to use during this joyful time:

We’d love to see how you get on so don’t forget to post a picture on our Socials (Facebook & Instagram) or email them to

Catenians Charity Christmas Dinner

Enjoy Christmas whilst supporting

Noah & Keystage Housing at an evening of Fun & Frivolity!

13th December

Book tickets in 1’s, 2’s 3’s or more.  Take a table of 8 or 10 and bring your family, friends, & neighbours along.

Our Lady of Lourdes, Harpenden, ‘Sing For’ Group will sing a selection of seasonal favourites and lead us in frivolity and carol singing.  The ‘Sing For’ project runs three times a year with money raised going to Keystage Housing and Noah.

Tickets are £35 per head for two course Christmas dinner including wine.

Venue: Harpenden Golf Club, Redbourn Lane

Time: 6-15pm or 7pm sit down.

Dress: Smart Casual, perhaps with a Christmas theme.

Email John Williams to reserve places at:

The deadline for booking is December 6th but don’t wait until then, book now.

Raffle takings and a Catenian donation will be given to the charities for Christmas.

Event Organised by Harpenden, Luton & District Circle of the Catenian Association.

Our Ethos: Catenian membership offers deep and lasting friendship and support to Catholics at all stages of their adult lives. We share the Gospel values as transmitted and developed through Catholic Social Teaching, and through our association, belong to a universal network of like-minded people. Our meetings provide a time for relaxed social enjoyment among loyal and faithful friends where we find support and encouragement and can openly discuss and develop our understanding of our faith, assist one another whenever needed, care for the sick and the bereaved, strengthen our family life and work for the mission of the Catholic Church, both individually and collectively, in a multitude of ways.


St George’s School Christmas Fair

You are invited to St George’s School PSA Christmas Gift Shopping Community Event on Saturday 18th November from 1pm – 4pm.

There will be over 30 local stalls with fantastic gifts, a café serving lunch  with festive food & drinks and Fun and Games for all the family!

Entry is free for children and £1 for adults.


CAFOD Israeli-Palestinian Crisis Appeal

CAFOD are working with local partners in Gaza and Israel to provide  urgent humanitarian aid to those in need. We are supporting families with cash vouchers, essential supplies and counselling.  Sadly, local staff and  volunteers in our partner organisations have already lost their lives.

Volunteers tell us that your support and your prayers of solidarity for those  putting their lives at risk to help during this crisis are needed now more than ever.

Donate to CAFOD’s Israeli-Palestinian Crisis Appeal at or call 0303 303 3030 to support those affected and get funds to local trusted experts in Gaza and southern Israel who have been working alongside communities helping those most in need.

Your donation will help support aid workers providing urgent humanitarian
aid including food, water and emergency shelter to those in need.

Thank you for your prayers.

Remembrance Sunday

On Remembrance Sunday we remember those who died in the two world  wars, as well as the victims of other more recent conflicts.  On 12th November there will be the annual remembrance at the War Memorial, on  Church Green, starting a 10.45am, and including the two minutes’ silence and the last post.

The Sick & Retired Priests’ Collection

Thank you for your contributions last Sunday for the Sick and Retired Priests of our Diocese.  To date £1,910 has been donated.

This is such an important fund, supporting our 82 sick and retired priests, a number that is expected to double in the coming years.

If you haven’t yet made a donation, it is not to late to do so; the fund will remain open for a few weeks.  Donation envelopes are available in the porch, in which you can place your offering, and return to the parish office. These envelopes should be used if you wish to Gift-Aid you contribution

You may also wish to consider becoming a Patron of our Sick & Retired Priest’s Fund.  If so please take a leaflet home from the porch.

Milk & Juice Collection

Please bring your donations of UHT milk and long-life juice for St Albans & District Food Bank next weekend (4th/5th November) and leave in the porch.  Thank you!

OLOL Parish Christmas Fair!

This very popular annual event will be held on SATURDAY 2nd DECEMBER from noon to 3pm in the Lourdes Hall and everyone is welcome.

There will be all the usual stalls including bottles, cakes, craft, gifts, toys and white elephant, as well as Irish coffees, hot dog lunches and more.

We also will have Santa’s Grotto for the children to visit.

Raffle tickets will be on sale after all the Masses and you can start bringing in your donations of cakes, jewellery, bottles, toys, good quality white elephant etc into the porch of the Church NOW.

If you can help setting up, working on a stall or clearing up, please contact or 07943 837277.

All Souls’ Day

Having celebrated all the saints in heaven on Wednesday, on Thursday 2nd November we move on to remembering those who are still on their journey to heaven, on All Souls Day.  Mass will be celebrated at 11.00am.

During November, a number of Masses will be offered for the Holy Souls. If you would like anyone to be included in these Masses, please send their names to the Parish Office, and they will be added to the Book of Remembrance.

Feast of All Saints

Next Wednesday 1st November is the feast of All Saints.  Masses will be celebrated at 9.15am and 6.00pm.  All Saints is a holyday of obligation, a day when we are obliged to attend Mass.

The 9.15 mass will be livestreamed via Zoom: 852-7741-3920.

Winter Donations for Keystage Housing

Please keep your donations coming.  In particular if you have duvets, bedding or a slow cooker you could donate to Keystage, they would be very grateful.

Carols by Candlelight

Choristers Christmas Concert

Advent Carol Service at 6pm

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Next Tuesday from 2.00pm to 3.00pm at the Convent, 18 Kirkdale Road.

At 2.30pm we will pray the Rosary for the suffering people of the Holy Land and for an end to the appalling violence.

Sing For ….. Christmas!

Join us for our Christmas sing songs:


Sunday 19th November 3.00-5.00pm OLOL Undercroft

Tuesday 21st November 7.30-9.00pm OLOL Undercroft


Thursday 23rd November 4.30-5.30pm Wheathampstead Christmas Market – details to follow.

Friday 8th December 7.00-9.00pm OLOL extra rehearsal / fundraising performance

Wednesday 13th December – Catenians Christmas Dinner:  we are the entertainment in return for a donation to Keystage Housing and NOAH time and venue t.b.c. but will be local and 8pm ish .

Laudate Deum – an update from CAFOD

“The world sings of an infinite love, how can we fail to care for it?” (Laudate Deum #65)

Pope Francis has today, on the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, published Laudate Deum: to all people of good will on the climate crisis, his new Exhortation on the environment, a follow up to his encyclical, Laudato Si’. 

The Pope says that “climate change is one of the principal challenges facing society and the global community” (Laudate Deum #3) and warns that the “world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point” (#5).

I would like to thank you for holding collections for our Family Fast Day appeal in your parish this week. Our appeal highlights the terrible impact of the climate crisis, telling the story of Meera, whose home in Pakistan was swept away by extreme flooding last year. Flooding that was an example of the extreme weather phenomena that Pope Francis calls “palpable expressions of a silent disease that affects everyone” (#5).

Pope Francis says: “authentic faith not only gives strength to the human heart, but also transforms life, transfigures our goals and sheds light on our relationship to others and with creation as a whole” (#61).  Responding to our Family Fast Day Appeal is an important way we can all take up Pope Francis’ invitation to “accompany this pilgrimage of reconciliation with the world that is our home and to help make it more beautiful” (#69). 

We work at the frontline of climate and conflict emergencies in over 40 countries. Thanks to the support of parishes like yours, we are working with our sisters and brothers to build resilience in the face of the huge challenges posed by the climate crisis, to respond quickly to help communities devastated by climate-induced disasters, and to continue to call on those in power to take urgent action.

We pray that, inspired by the example of St Francis of Assisi and encouraged by Laudate Deum, we will always strive to care for and protect our common home.


CAFOD is hosting an online event on Thursday 12 October at 7pm to reflect on what Pope Francis’ Laudate Deum means for us. Please do join in and share this invitation with others.

Donations Urgently Needed for Keystage Housing

Thank you to everyone who has donated so far but please keep the  donations coming.  Keystage Housing are desperate for non perishable food eg. Pasta, Rice, Tinned tomatoes, Pasta/ Ragu sauces and personal hygiene toiletries eg. Toothbrushes Shower gel/ soap & Shampoo.

If you could add a few items to your weekly shopping they would be very grateful, please drop off any donations into the yellow bin in the courtyard of the Church.

In particular if you have spare duvets, bedding or a slow cooker you could donate to Keystage, they would be very grateful.

Thank you!

CAFOD Family Fast Day Appeal

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our CAFOD Harvest Fast Day.
£2,760 was donated.  If you haven’t yet made a donation, it is not to late to do so.  CAFOD envelopes are available in the porch, in which you can place your offering, and return to the parish office. The CAFOD envelopes should also be used if you wish to Gift-Aid you contribution.


CAFOD is at the forefront of disaster relief around the world. Last year, when over a third of Pakistan was under water, the CAFOD network supported thousands of people to survive and recover. But the work  continues.…

Dr Nasha’s mobile medical clinic gets life-saving help to where it’s needed most, fast – so when her team arrived in Meera’s village after it had been destroyed by flooding, Meera rushed to the clinic to get her children the treatment they needed.

By donating to CAFOD today more mobile clinics can reach more families with expert help they need.

Use the envelope in church or give online at

Secondary School References

For parents who require a priest’s reference, in connection with applications for secondary school places, Canon Dwyer will be available, in the church, at the following dates and times:

Thursday 5th October 5.30pm to 6.45pm
Monday 16th October 5.00pm to 6.00pm

Confirmation 2024

Parents’ Meeting:  Wednesday 4th October at 8pm in the Undercroft.

First Session for candidates: Sunday 8th October 1.30pm – 3.30pm. in the Lourdes Hall.

Youth Group – 10th February

We will meet after the 6pm Youth Friendly Mass for some food, some fun and some faith sharing time together.  We will engage in conversations about life, faith and Jesus around the Alpha Youth Series.

Youth Group – 7th October

We will meet after the 6pm Youth Friendly Mass for some food, some fun and some faith sharing time together.  We will engage in conversations about life, faith and Jesus around the Alpha Youth Series.

Youth Group – 13th July

This month we are going Bowling!!  Parents of Year 10 and above, please register their interest to join us no later than 5th July.

Our new email address is  Tickets cost £5 each.


Youth Group – 8th June

We will meet after the 6pm Youth Friendly Mass for some food, some fun and some faith sharing time together.  We will engage in conversations about life, faith and Jesus around the Alpha Youth Series.

DWG Quiz Night: 14th October at 7.30pm

Grateful thanks to all who supported our latest Quiz.  We made a wonderful profit of £1,200!

Youth Group – 11th May

We will meet after the 6pm Youth Friendly Mass for some food, some fun and some faith sharing time together.  We will engage in conversations about life, faith and Jesus around the Alpha Youth Series.

Youth Group – 20th April

We will meet after the 6pm Youth Friendly Mass for some food, some fun and some faith sharing time together.  We will engage in conversations about life, faith and Jesus around the Alpha Youth Series.

Youth Group – 13th January

We will meet after the 6pm Youth Friendly Mass for some food, some fun and some faith sharing time together.  We will engage in conversations about life, faith and Jesus around the Alpha Youth Series.

Youth Group – 9th December

Wear your Christmas jumper or accessories for a festive Youth Group!

We will meet after the 6pm Youth Friendly Mass for some food, some fun and some faith sharing time together.

Youth Group – 11th November

We will meet after the 6pm Youth Friendly Mass for some food, some fun and some faith sharing time together.  We will engage in conversations about life, faith and Jesus around the Alpha Youth Series.

Encouraging Faith in our Young People

CELEBRATE Trust is a Catholic ministry that inspires and equips people of all ages to live an authentic Christian life in the power of the Holy Spirit, in support of the family, to form the next generation and encourage local community.

Take a look at the online sessions which will be running later in the autumn:


Sing For #6

We’ve made it into the local press!

Click HERE to read the full article:


Sing For….6

🎶 Sing for 6… 🎶

Back for their 6th season!  ‘Sing For’ is a 4 week singing project designed to raise fonds for Keystage Housing and NOAH, while giving participants an opportunity to learn new pieces of music and have some respite from the norm.

📆 Rehearsal dates:
Wednesday 13 September – 7:30pm – 9pm
Tuesday 19 September – 7:30pm – 9pm
Tuesday 26 September – 7:30pm – 9pm
Tuesday 3 October – 7:30pm – 9pm

Concert: Sunday 8 October – 3pm

All rehearsals and extremely informal concert at Our Lady of Lourdes Church.

Cost is £35 per participant.  📧 Email Katie to book your place

NEW Youth Group

Save the date: Saturday 30th September 7.00pm to 8.30pm

Our NEW Parish Youth Group for Year 10 and beyond will start in  September.  Once a month, we will meet after the 6pm Youth Friendly Mass for some food, some fun and some faith sharing time together.

We will engage in conversations about life, faith and Jesus around the Alpha Youth Series. Come and be part of this exciting new project!  More
details to follow after the summer holidays.

Youth Friendly Masses

Youth friendly masses will resume in the Autumn, once a month, on Saturdays at 6pm.  Dates to be shared after the summer.  Young people from Year 7 to Year 13 and beyond are all very welcome to join and take an active role in this mass: we invite any readers, welcomers, musicians, altar servers to please join us to make it as youth friendly as possible.

News from the Parish Office

The Parish Office is open throughout the Summer Holidays Monday to Thursday 9.30am to 12.30pm for all enquiries.

Please note next week’s newsletter will be for the whole of August.

Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady

Don’t forget that we celebrate the feast of the Assumption of Our Lady, on Tuesday, 15th August. This is a holyday of obligation, a day when we are obliged to attend Mass, even when we are on holiday. Masses on that day are at 9.15am and 6.00pm.

▪ The 9.15am Mass, that day, will be live-streamed.  The Zoom code for the mass is:-  844 0735 1839

Lolly in the Loft

Please donate any valuable items your family doesn’t need, eg Grandma’s silver teaspoon collection, Grandpa’s watch, Mum’s pearl necklace, Dad’s miniature car collection!

The ‘Lolly’ will be auctioned by Tring Auctioneers and all proceeds will help to bring clean drinking water to the village of Kyangala, Kenya.

Drop off your ‘Lolly’ on Wednesday 8th November between 10.30am and 8.00pm* at  10 Holly Bush Lane, Harpenden, AL5 4AT.

Tea and Cake provided too!

For more information email: or phone: 07734 190488

*Or any other day by arrangement.

Vacancy at St Dominic RC School

St Dominic Catholic Primary School is a vibrant and caring school where
children are valued and we aspire to excellence. The governing body of this outstanding school, wish to appoint a dedicated and energetic teaching
assistant to join our team. The position is part time during term time with a working pattern of 5 days, Monday to Friday, from 08:30 to 1.15pm,
which will include covering lunchtime duties both in the playground
and dining room.  This is a fixed term position until 19/7/2024.

The Full Details are on a Poster in the Porch.

For more information about the school please check our website  Application via
Closing Date: 7/8/2023.

Harpenden Spotlight on Africa Afternoon Tea

Come and enjoy a traditional English cream tea blended with a touch of Uganda!

SUNDAY 13 August 2023
2PM – 6PM
Suggested Donation £5pp – Children Free

RSVP: We look forward to seeing you there!
More Details on the Noticeboard

Sacrament of Confirmation

Preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, for young people in year 9 or above, will be commencing after the summer holiday.  Application forms are available for collection, by the candidates after all Weekend Masses.  Completed forms and copies of Baptismal Certificates, if not Baptised at Our Lady of Lourdes, should be returned to the parish office by Friday September 15th.

First Holy Communion

Registration for First Holy Communion, next summer, is now taking place.  To participate in the preparation children should be in year 3, or above, from September 2023.  It is also expected that the children, and their parents, are attending Mass each Sunday.  Over the years it has become a source of concern, that quite a number of the First Communion families, do not regularly attend Mass each week.  This year the hope is that parents can be encouraged to take the promises, made at their children’s Baptism, more seriously.  These new arrangements are not ‘closing the door’ on anyone, but a pathway to a renewed and deeper commitment.  Parents who would like their child to be enrolled for First Holy Communion preparation, need to make an appointment to meet with Canon Dwyer.  To make an appointment, please call the Parish Office, Monday to Thursday, 9.30am to 12.30pm.  THE CLOSING DATE FOR REGISTRATION IS 31ST JULY 2023.

NOAH Donations Appeal

Our shops need your help!  If you’re refreshing your summer wardrobe, please consider donating your unwanted items to NOAH where they can be used to continue the vital services in your community.
Open Mon – Sat 9am – 5pm
20-22 High Town Road, Luton, LU2 0DD
T: 01582 736751
𝗟𝘂𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝗧𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝗖𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲
Open Mon – Sat 9am – 5pm
5 Wellington Street, Luton, LU1 2AP
T: 01582 354282
𝗪𝗲𝗹𝗳𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗖𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲
Open Mon – Fri 9am – 4pm
Weekends 9am – 2pm
141 Park St, Luton LU1 3HG
T: 01582 728416
Thank you for your support!

New Parishioners

If you are new to the Parish you are very WELCOME.  If you would like to register with us please click on this link and complete the registration form.

Completed forms can be emailed or posted into the Parish Office.

DWG Tea in the Garden

Grateful thanks from the Developing World Group for supporting Tea in the Garden last Saturday.  It was a happy, sunny event which raised £700 for our future projects. The Group has recently donated £9,425 to projects in Uganda: £5,425 to Just Small Change to set up a goat livelihood scheme and associated village loans and savings schemes in Budaka district, where half the people live in poverty (according to the U.N. measure of less than $2.15 a day) and £4,000 to Advantage Africa for a project in Muwanga  parish to enable families affected by disability to set up small enterprises. Without your constant, loyal support none of this is possible. Thank you.

We warmly welcome all comers to join our merry but increasingly small band. Please do call 01582 843409/07905797729 or email for more information.

NOAH Summer Ball

NOAH is holding a fundraising ball on the 23rd June at 7.30pm at the Luton Rugby Club, Newlands Road in the Rose Marquee.

Tickets are £35.00 per person and include hot BBQ food and a live band.

There will be a raffle and auctions. Black Tie.

Please contact Lisa Seccombe on 07877 307009 for more details and for tickets.

Parish Walk 7th June

Now the weather seems to be more Springlike I hope to see a few more of you on our walk this month.  Last month I had a solitary stroll! We had  decided to change it to the first Wednesday of the month and to meet at 10.15am after Mass in the car park opposite the Fowden Hall in Rothamsted  Park. If you don’t have a car let me know and I can pick you up from Our Lady of Lourdes Church at 10.00am We walk to suit all comers!

For any queries my email is or phone 01582 621962.

Good Neighbours

Good Neighbours aims to put into practice the parish mission by being an outward sign of God’s love for our neighbour, demonstrating that Our Lady of Lourdes, through its parishioners, is a warm and caring parish that welcomes everyone irrespective of their situation.

The parish is split into areas with each area having one or more volunteers whose job is to identify themselves to and keep in touch with fellow parishioners in their area, as shown on this map:

Some examples of the types of things a volunteer might do:

Feast of the Ascension

On Thursday 18th, we celebrate one of the major feasts of Eastertide, the Ascension of the Lord. This is a holyday of obligation, a day when we are required to attend Mass. Masses will be celebrated at 9.15am and 6.00pm.

The 9.15am Mass will be livestreamed:  the Zoom code is 814 5044 9282 and no password is required.

The Feast of the Ascension, is a day to rejoice. The Ascension does not mark the end of Jesus’ relationship with the Church but the beginning of a new way of His relating to the world, in and through the Church. This way includes every one of us who bear His name. We also have ascended with the Lord. When viewed with the eyes of Resurrection faith the Ascension is capable of transforming the way we view ourselves and live our daily lives. We are joined to Him and He to us!


Milk & Juice Collection!

Milk and juice collections for the St Albans & District Foodbank will be taken up this weekend.  So please, if you can, bring a cartoon of UHT milk or long-life juice to the church today. Thank you.

Sing For….. 5 Concert

Please join our singers for an informal concert on Sunday 14th May at 3pm.

Entrance is by donation of hygiene products, toiletries, clothing etc. which will then be given to NOAH & Keystage Housing.

Refreshments will be served after the concert and everyone is welcome.

Bluebell Walk – 29th April

On Saturday 29th April all parishioners, young and old, are invited to LIVE SIMPLY and deepen their love and respect for God’s creation by enjoying the natural beauty of the woodland bluebells in Spring.

We will meet at 10.30 in the Heartwood Forest car park (at Sandridge) and take a leisurely stroll through areas of the new woodland to reach three of the ancient woodlands where bluebells proliferate.  The walk will take about 1 – 1 ½ hours and if the weather is kind there are picnic tables.  Walking boots or Wellington boots are advisable.

There are lots of alternative paths available should anyone wish to return early to their car.

Parish Family Quiz Evening

Thank you to everyone who supported our Parish Family Quiz Evening on Saturday 22nd April.   It was indeed a fun evening, thanks to our lovely  Quizmistress.  Thanks also go to Peter Metcalfe for his sound system and to  Marva’s marvellous team for their very appropriate Simple supper. It was especially lovely to see so many young families there. As an added bonus, we raised a total of £635.20 on behalf of CAFOD for its FIX THE FOOD SYSTEM campaign.

In order to continue to build a closer Parish community and tailor events for families, we would welcome any feedback and suggestions from the evening. Please email us on:

Priests’ Training Fund

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Priests Training Fund over the last few weeks:  £2,114 has been donated to date.

This is a very important collection, as the proceeds are used to train those who will serve as priests in our Diocese in the future.  In other words, it is one of the collections that you can experience the fruits of!

The fund will remain open for another few weeks, so if you haven’t had the opportunity to do so, you can still give your support, contributions can be dropped into the Parish Office. If you wish to ‘Gift-Aid’ your contribution, please use one of the envelopes, that will be found in the porch.


Choir Concert – 22nd June at 7.30pm – NEW DATE!

Please join us for the Choir’s Summer Concert – the Concert will be a light hearted mixture of styles and suitable for children and the whole family.  It will last no longer than an hour and will be performed by our Choristers and members of the Adult Choir.

Please come and support your Parish Choir.  Entry is FREE with a retiring collection for the Choristers (this goes towards New Buttons for the cassocks and their end of term outing).


Strawberry Social – 18th June at 3pm

This very popular annual event will be on Sunday 18th June at 3pm in the Presbytery Garden.  Tickets will be on sale at Masses this weekend priced £10.  Family tickets will be £25, so bring your Dad for Father’s Day!

Contact Marva on 07943 837277  or email for more


Parish Walk Wednesday 10th May

Our next Parish Walk will take place on 10th May with subsequent walks taking place on the first Wednesday of each month.

We will now meet at 10.00 am in the car park in Rothamsted Park (the one opposite the Fowden Hall where the cafe is located.)  Let’s hope the good weather lasts and we can identify signs of Spring all around us!

Any problems contact Janet at or 01582 621960.

DWG Green Box Collection

The Developing World Group will be collecting the DWG Green Boxes at all the masses this weekend, Sat 22nd and Sunday 23rd April.

Developing World Group News

Here is the latest Developing World Group report.  We are pleased to share with you which projects the DWG has supported thanks to the generosity of our Parishioners.
Also, we will be collecting the DWG Green Boxes at all the masses this weekend, Sat 22nd and Sunday 23rd April.

DWG Project Report 2022

Holy Week

In Holy Week the Church celebrates the mysteries of salvation accomplished by Christ in the last days of his earthy life, from his messianic entry into Jerusalem, until his blessed Passion and glorious Resurrection.

Please note the times of events during Holy Week:

Holy Week & Easter Schedule of Times 2023

Westminster’s Annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes

All are invited to join the Diocese of Westminster’s annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes from 21st to 28th July 2023, led by HE Cardinal Vincent Nichols.

Book now to avoid disappointment as places are limited via the Tangney Tours portal at:

If you have previously indicated ‘St Frai Pilgrim’ on an Expression of  Interest Form, or know of someone with significant medical and mobility needs who intends to come to Lourdes, contact the Pilgrimage Office on 0207 798 9173 immediately, so the Medical Team and can look into assisting with requirements and care.  Similarly, all individuals or groups intending to travel independently to join Westminster in Lourdes, by making their own travel and accommodation arrangement, must confirm this in writing to the Pilgrimage Office by 30th April 2023 as well as submit payment towards the Pilgrims’ Levy at £35 per pilgrim.

Visit the Lourdes Pilgrimage webpage or contact Elizabeth at the Pilgrimage Office on 0207 798 9173.

Youth Mass – 29th April 6pm

You are warmly invited to join us for our monthly youth friendly mass!  The next one is on Saturday 29th April at 6pm. Get in touch with the parish office if you would like to contribute with your musical and singing talents.

Sing For…..FIVE!

Our 5th charity singing project is starting after Easter!  The previous four projects have been amazing fun so please consider joining this one.

A fun four weeks of song-learning followed by an informal fundraising concert for NOAH and Keystage Housing, two Luton-based charities supporting the homeless.  It costs £35 per family to take part with the money, after expenses, going directly to the charities.  Entrance to the
informal concert is by donation of hygiene products, toiletries, clothing etc at the door.  This is taken directly to the charities.

Participants can come on either a Tuesday evening 7.30-9.00pm or a Sunday afternoon 3.00-4.00pm or both.

Dates as follows:
Sunday 16th April 3.00-4.00pm
Tuesday 18th April 7.30-9.00pm
Sunday 23rd April 3.00-4.00pm
Tuesday 25th April 7.30-9.00pm
Sunday 30th April 3.00-4.00pm
Tuesday 2nd May 7.30-9.00pm
Sunday 7th May – NO REHEARSAL AS
Tuesday 9th May 7.30-9.00pm
Sunday 14th May 2pm Rehearsal, 3.00pm

All events are directed by Katie Metcalfe, please email to book a place.  All welcome, all abilities, for wonderful community singing.

Good Friday – Children’s Stations of the Cross

Our children’s Stations of the Cross will be at 11.30am on Good Friday 7th April, and will last about 45 minutes. This is a really good opportunity for children to understand and take part in Christ’s Passion on Good Friday.

We are looking for children to take parts in the form of a tableau for each station. The children have to be from years 3 to 6, to take part. We need about 12 actors (no speaking parts), who will have to be in church from 9:30am on Good Friday. We will do the rehearsal, have a small break, and then perform our Stations of the Cross at 11.30am. This allows any other family members to join in The Walk of Witness in the town, and then join us in church.

If your child wants to be part of the Stations of the Cross, please email Maria ( ) or phone 01582 624024 by Monday 3rd April. In the event of too many volunteers we will take the first names on the list.

Easter Flowers Collection

The Parish Flower Arrangers will have their annual Easter Flower Collection after all Masses this weekend.  Donations can also be made via the card machine in the porch.  In addition, a Lily may be purchased (at £5) in memory of a loved one.  Please write clearly the name of the loved one in CAPITAL LETTERS on an envelope, place the donation of £5 inside and hand it in with the flower collection after Mass, or post through the Presbytery letterbox or drop it into Melanie in the Parish Office.  Their names will then be added to a remembrance book which will be displayed in the Church during the Easter season.

Parish Pastoral Council Meeting

The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC), is now just over a year old.  One of its duties is to have an Annual Parish Meeting, which is now due.  This will take place on Sunday 26th March, at 3.00pm, in the Undercroft.  If you are wondering just what the PPC does, this will be an opportunity to hear what has been happening, and it will also be an opportunity to acknowledge some of the other activities, that have been taking place in the parish, during the past year.

Easter Concert – Spread The Word!

Please join us for a performance of a new cantata, written in the wake of the pandemic and in gratitude to the NHS on SATURDAY 25th MARCH at 3-4.30pm.
Entrance £10 adults, on the door
Children under 18 FREE
NHS and Care workers FREE
Refreshments provided afterwards
It is in the afternoon to encourage a large audience – to include children, families and those unable to attend evening concerts so readily.

CAFOD Family Fast Day 3rd March

Thank you for supporting the CAFOD Lent Fast Day last weekend.  £2,139.20 was contributed.  If you haven’t yet made a contribution, it is not too late to do so.  CAFOD envelopes will be found in the porch, and can be returned to the Parish Office.  You can also donate online, direct to CAFOD,

Good Neighbours

As part of the Parish Renewal programme, and as you know from the recent requests seeking area volunteers, we have been working on and are now ready to launch “Good Neighbours’. This initiative answers the call to become a more open and welcoming parish, as highlighted in the feedback from the parish survey, exemplified by, ‘The parish being a much stronger community, where everyone feels welcome, and not alone whatever their personal situation, and there is much more looking out for people including nonCatholics’.

As shown on the map below (also on display at the back of the church, or a zoomable version is available here), you can see the parish has been divided into several small areas, each with its own representatives, who will keep contact with the parishioners in their own area.

The aim is to develop a local community in each area by:

As the map highlights, the red sections show which areas are not yet covered by volunteers, and the yellow sections show areas where there are some, but not enough volunteers for the number of parish households, so we would be grateful if anyone could step forward to help cover these areas.

If you would like to volunteer or have any questions, please contact the parish office or email with your name and postcode.

It is a very good and straightforward opportunity to become the missionary disciples we are all called to be.

St Patrick’s Day Lunch

As always, the Ladies Group hosted a wonderfully enjoyable St. Patrick’s Day Lunch. A special thank you to them.  And thank you very much also to all who came and to Parishioners who gave a donation, though they were unable to attend.  Together we raised the incredible sum of £1,890!!  God bless you and reward you for your generosity, which brings hope and help to many families in the Barcelona settlement.  They will remember you in
their prayers.

Sr. Regina

Strawberry Social – Save the Date!

Please save the date for this very popular event:  Sunday 18th June at 3pm in the Presbytery Garden

Season of Lent 2023

We begin the Season of Lent;  40 days when we are called to prayer, fasting and almsgiving. During these days we are called to deny ourselves, in order to share the life of Jesus more deeply, and to make ourselves ready for our celebration of the great feast of Easter.

The Cardinal writes in today’s Pastoral Letter: “As Lent begins. I write today to give you every possible encouragement to use these weeks of Lent to refresh and deepen your faith.”

The gift of faith gives our lives an enduring purpose and stability.  A faith that is refreshed and deepened helps us to be gracious, steadfast and even robust in every circumstance. Let us heed these words, and use the opportunity of Lent, to deepen and strengthen our faith.

Each Friday of Lent, Mass will be celebrated at 7.00pm, followed by the Stations of the Cross.  Friday is the traditional day for ‘making the Stations’, so attending Mass, and the Stations of the Cross, during Lent, is a positive activity during this season.

As in previous years there will be groups meeting throughout Lent to reflect, share ideas and pray. The sessions this Lent will be based on Praying the Our Father, by Carl E. Olson which is described by one theologian as “the best collection of Lenten reflections she has seen.” The
booklet is available from CTS Books £3.50 or at the first meeting.
If you have not been part of a group previously, please do consider joining in this year. The groups are friendly and thought-provoking. There are opportunities for sharing ideas but no pressure to do so. There will be groups meeting on some mornings/afternoon and evenings,
depending on the demand.  Please email:- or phone 07891083251 with your choice of day, time and contact details.

To mark the season of Lent, the Cardinal has written a Pastoral Letter, which will be read at the Masses this weekend. The letter can be read here:

Feb 2023 Pastoral letter pre Lent

Traditionally, during Lent, anything that we save through self-denial is donated to the ‘Lenten Alms’. Funds raised this year will be shared between the four pillars of the Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal: Marriage & Family Life; Youth & Evangelisation; The Education Service and
Caritas Westminster. You can place your contributions in the ‘box’ to the right of Our Lady’s Altar, or, if you wish to ‘Gift-Aid’ your contribution, you can use one of the Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal envelopes, which will be found in the porch, and return it to the Parish Office.

Annual Mass for Matrimony – 13th May 2023

The annual Mass for Matrimony at the Cathedral will be celebrated by the Cardinal on Saturday 13th May at 2.30pm for all couples celebrating  significant Wedding Anniversaries.  If you would like to attend please send your details into the Parish Office and include the date you were married, and your contact details.

Syria-Turkey Earthquake Appeal

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the CAFOD Appeal for Syria and Turkey appeal over the last two weekends. A total of £1,805.90 has
now been donated. Your generosity will help to provide for some of those basic needs, such as food, shelter water and warmth.

If you have yet to make a donation, you can use one of the CAFOD emergency envelopes, that will be found in the porch, and return it to the Parish Office.  For more details visit CAFOD’s Syria Turkey Emergency Appeal online at

Let us join CAFOD in praying for our sisters and brothers affected by the earthquakes and the winter weather.

World Day of Prayer 2023

This year’s World Day of Prayer will take place on Friday 3rd March. The main Harpenden service will take place at 10.30am at All Saints, Station Road, and there will be a service on Zoom at 7.45pm. This year’s service is written by the women of Taiwan with the theme “I have heard about your faith.”

The World Day of Prayer raises around £250,000 each year in the UK for distribution to charity – visit for details or to make a donation. For more information on the Harpenden services please see the postcards in the porch.

February Parish Walk

Our next walk will take place, weather permitting, on Wednesday February 8th, beginning at 10.00 am after Morning Mass.  We will start off from our Lady of Lourdes and walk through the park for about half an hour or so  before looking for signs of Spring and new growth we retire for coffee at a local coffee shop for a good chat and catch up. If the weather is inclement it’s straight to coffee! Do try to join us: we welcome new walkers and it is a good way of getting to know some of our fellow parishioners. Enquiries to Janet Evers or telephone 01582 621960.

Lent Groups 2023

As in previous years there will be groups meeting throughout Lent to  reflect, share ideas and pray. The sessions this Lent will be based on Praying the Our Father, by Carl E. Olson which is described by one  theologian as “the best collection of Lenten reflections she has seen.”

The booklet is available from CTS Books £3.50 or at the first meeting.

If you have not been part of a group previously, please do consider joining in this year. The groups are friendly and thought-provoking.  There are opportunities for sharing ideas but no pressure to do so. There will be groups meeting on some mornings/afternoon and evenings depending on the demand. Please email:- or phone
07891083251 with your choice of day, time and contact details.

Sing 4 Concert

The groups have been singing their hearts out on Tuesday evenings and Sunday afternoons throughout January and will be delighted to perform their new repertoire to a packed audience on Sunday 5th February.
Entry is by donation of items for Keystage Housing and for NOAH:
– Toiletries for men and women,
– Men’s underwear (new), socks
 or please look on their websites for further ideas.
– Cash donations also welcome and will be sent directly to the charities.
The concert will be followed by a cup of tea in the Undercroft.  Please come and support this wonderful team of volunteers as they take to the stage to support two local charities.

Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes – Mass for the Sick

There will be a special Mass for the sick on Saturday 11th February at 11.30am.  Everyone is most welcome on this special day in the life of our Parish, and there will be refreshments in the Undercroft after Mass.

If you need help in getting to Church, please get in touch with the Parish Office.

Prayer for Pope Benedict

Next Tuesday, 24 January 2023, at 5pm there will be a service of Vespers in Westminster Cathedral to honour the life of the late Pope Emeritus Benedict, and to pray for the repose of his soul. The Cardinal, and other English and Welsh Bishops, will be attending, and Archbishop Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, will give the homily. Everyone is welcome, no tickets needed.

January Parish Walk

Everyone is welcome to join the next parish walk on Wednesday 18th January.  As we had to cancel the last walk on account of the bad weather I hope there will be a good response to the first walk of 2023.

We will begin as usual at 10.00am, after Mass, outside our Lady of Lourdes, make a foray into Rothamstead Park and see if there are any signs of Spring and then adjourn for coffee at a local cafe.  If it’s raining we’ll go straight for the coffee to celebrate the New Year.

Looking forward to seeing you then!

Altar Server Training

Training for new Altar Servers will take place next Saturday 21st in Church at 5pm.  If your child has made their First Holy Communion and would like to start serving, please let Melanie know in the Parish Office.

Pope Benedict RIP

This week, with the Church, throughout the world, we remember, and pray for Pope Emeritus, Benedict XI, who led the Church for almost eight years, until his resignation in 2013. Cardinal Nichols has described him as ‘through and through a gentleman, through and through a scholar, through and through a pastor, through and through a man of God, close to the Lord and always, always his humble servant.’

May he rest in peace and rise in glory!

Banish the Blues Supper & Jazz Evening

Thank you to everyone who came to the Banish the Blues Supper.  We raised £1,000 for the DWG’s current project!  Louisa Phillips is a parishioner, a member of the DWG and the lead singer with Lulu and the Hullabaloos.

This hugely popular annual event will be on Saturday 28th January at Lourdes Hall at 7.00pm for 7.30pm (or after the 6pm Mass).

Music will be provided by Lulu and the Hullabaloos with a supper during the intermission (bring your own drinks).

Proceeds will go to the Developing World Group.

Tickets (£15 each) will be on sale after all the Masses from this weekend or contact Marva on 07943 837277 for a group booking or to be added to the Parish table.

Feast of the Epiphany 6th January

This coming Friday 6th January, is the feast of the Epiphany is a Holy Day of Obligation, when we are obliged to attend Mass.

Masses will be at 9.15am and 6.00pm. For those unable to attend Mass, the 9.15am Mass will be live-streamed, by Zoom/YouTube
Zoom code: 893 1057 5196

Community Christmas Entertainment

Thursday 22nd December – join in with our Community Christmas Entertainment day. Lots of festive music to sing with a performance at Field House in the afternoon followed by a performance to family and friends at the end of the day. A perfect opportunity for a musical day away from the hustle and bustle of Christmas on the High Street!

To book a place contact

Homelessness Action Group Donations

We are delighted to announce that both NOAH and Keystage donation bins have arrived and can be found in the courtyard of the Church.

For NOAH, (Blue Bins) they ask for men’s clothing (no undergarments, unless they are brand new and packaged); men’s coats and jackets; men’s shoes; toys; and bric-a-brac. You can also Gift Aid your donations for them by filling out a Gift Aid form, copies of which will be kept at the back of church and also in a plastic pocket attached to the bin. The donations will either go directly to those in need or will be sold in their charity shops to raise income and continue to fund their services.

Keystage (Yellow Bins) have asked for tinned foods and non-perishable foods e.g. cereals, biscuits, chocolate; and socks, gloves, scarves and toiletries.

Thank you all so much for your ongoing support which is much appreciated by both NOAH and Keystage. If anyone is interested in becoming more involved with the group, please contact Monika Westgate at

Recycle your unwanted tools & gardening equipment



Our ‘Developing World Group’ and ‘Live Simply’ Group will be repeating this successful event for WORKAID. This charity refurbishes tools, haberdashery items and gardening equipment to help disadvantaged people in Africa by providing tools and training for new skills.

Please see the list of Tools and Equipment needed in the leaflet in our church foyer and on our parish website.

You can drop off the items at Lourdes Hall on Saturday 29th October between 10am and 4pm.

If an item is too large for you to transport we can come and collect it. Please email or phone/text: 07905 797729.

Happy decluttering!

SOLD OUT – DWG Quiz Night!

Save the date for our popular Developing World Group Quiz Night!

Saturday 1st October 2022

Everyone is welcome at this parish social event featuring an entertaining Quiz led by Ginny St John Glew.

Tickets are £15.00 each including a fish and chip supper from Godfrey’s.

Come and meet new friends on the open tables, or let us know if you want to make up a group table.

In either case, please email or phone 07905 797729 as soon as possible to book your place. More details to follow.

Recycle your unwanted tools & gardening equipment!

SAVE THE DATE:  Saturday 29th October

Our ‘Developing World’ and ‘Live Simply’ Groups will be repeating this successful event for WORKAID. This charity refurbishes tools, haberdashery items and gardening equipment to help disadvantaged people in Africa by providing tools and training for new skills.

Please start collecting any unwanted items you have and put them aside.

Full details will be provided soon of all the items needed by Workaid, with the delivery address & times, for Saturday 29th October and contact details.

Happy decluttering!


Volunteering Opportunities at NOAH

Our friends at NOAH (New Opportunities & Horizons) have told us of a number of volunteering opportunities they have:

 To apply online, click here. Alternatively, you can download and complete this form and email to, or if you wish to know more, telephone 01582 728416.